Join The Nelson Homes Dealership Network!
Enabling Builders and Developers To Expand Their Revenue and Business Through Our Nelson Homes Dealership Network
Become a Nelson Homes Authorized Dealer
Do you run a building or construction company?
We're looking for partners across North America to join our exciting and profitable dealership network. The Nelson Homes Dealership Network enables construction firms, developers, and building companies to expand their revenue by recommending Nelson Homes to interested clients. Nelson Homes has over 70 years of experience delighting families and homeowners by building excellent residential properties across Canada and the United States.
We're especially seeking new dealership partners in California, Montana, Idaho, and Washington.

Our Dealership Network Has A Host of Benefits
When we bring you onboard, we'll give you a wide range of tools, skills, and benefits to help you make the most of the network.
Over 100 Floor Plans
We have over 100 customizable Prefab Kit Packages online!
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Contact Us
Interested in joining the Nelson dealership team? Contact us today!
Overseas Inquiries
Our Authorized Dealership Network is present in Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland. Interested in joining our team overseas? Contact us below!